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How you can donate

and help OUR Saviours Lutheran Church

ways you can donate:



Stop in, say hi, and learn about ways to get involved. Each and every gift is welcome with open arms, whether you can donate your time, goods, or money.



Unsure when you will make it in to learn about all giving opportunities. No worries! Quickly and securely give your gift through the link below.

Offerings – Contributions collected in worship bless several ministries outside our walls as well as our ministry here in Humboldt – see details.  Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church also gives generously to our denominational (ELCA) partners – click on the video below to see “Where Your Offering Goes”.


Endowment – Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church has two endowment funds to receive bequests, memorials or gifts from individuals or corporations.  One uses the yearly dividends for mission work in three areas: worldwide, within our synod or community and our church.  The second endowment fund provides scholarships to graduating seniors.


Memorials – A contribution may be given in honor of someone or something and may be designated for a specific purpose, if desired.


Lift High the Cross – This fund is designated for building projects and improvements.

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